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Confidence again?

Well monday. I was sitting at home after sleeping on and off for the majority of the day. It was band practice night. I love band do not get me wrong but As always after a bad spell I was super nervous about being anywhere that there are alot of people and Im in this sort of space. hey ho. I went. All was fine but I felt exhausted and drained and it was so so cold but I enjoyed it all the same. 

The rest of the week has been a bit crazy.  I had an appointment at the drs re my neck being so so painful. So I went and I came home with literally a bag full of medication. It was a new dr who I handnt seen before…. Normally this is bad news as they are scared of changing anything without my consultants approval. This one was different though and very thorough. He went through everything – epilepsy – cluster headaches – my recent pain in my joints and especially neck – questioned me about my pcos which I don’t really take much notice about. Anyway I was sent for a ECG re going on theist resort pills for cluster headaches. I have had this ECG before but it came up with a problem and I wasn’t allowed to go on the pills. This time he thought it may be different so I booked in for the next day. ECG done and well yep there was a issue in amongst all this I’ve been trying to get my prescription for my emergency injections and after two weeks I still can’t get them. The chemist is now going to the manufacturer to see if they can get some. I prey they are here by my holiday. I can’t be without these things. It’s ok being about here cos I can go to the hospital but its not the sort of thing I want to do on holiday. 
Anyway here we are it’s Friday and I’m off to the drs again this time to talk over the new ECG and the probability of being able to take the new meds and to find out what the heck I going on with my heart. 
Life can be hard sometimes but I got to laugh and enjoy it when u can. I’m a bit excited today as I’ve treated myself to a camcorder! I’ve been using my phone a lot for film but its not very good so I’m hoping to be able to do some film and maybe add bits to the blog. Maybe do a vlog! Anyway I will have to work out how to use it first- may take a while! 
So apart from dr appointments and wires, injections and that this week has been pretty quiet. 
I have had only a couple of seizures a day and yeah that’s good for me!

So I’m mega excited about a few things  going on in the next few weeks. Firstly my friend is coming down this weekend again and we are going to sci fi by the sea! which if i can i will try video a bit if the camera arroves. then mext weekend the band I’m in is playing at a huge air show. The weekend after I am on holiday (my first in 5 years!) and the weekend I get back I’m going to a ball ! All I have to do is get through it all and have the confidence in my brain to enjoy it all. 

Easier said than done but I am so excited! 

Hospital again and drug trial

Well things didn’t get better after the last blog. I ended up in the large hospital about half an hour away, my head pounding and the seizures not stopping. I’m limited into what can happen how as most the drs don’t want to take me to theatre to administer the drugs I could do with fast. So I end up with lots of muscular injections, oxygen and oral meds. I thought this had worked and we managed to get home Monday morning. Unfortunately this wasn’t the end.
 I ended up with one of my own dr’s coming out a few hours later as the hospital drugs wore off and I ended up in the worst pain known (cluster headache has really set in). Having epilepsy is one thing but add that to this disease called cluster headaches which is defined in medicine as “the most painful condition known to man” and life is somewhat harder. So here I was more injections and drugs. My neck was really giving me alot of pain too as Id hurt it in a previous seizure a few years ago and it is a recurrent thing which normally gets better after a few days…. this time it hadnt. It just added to the pain :-(. 

For the next 24 hours I lay in bed sleeping, waking intermittently and more sleeping. I was trying to keep awake but it wasn’t happening my body once again taking over.  

I did eventually manage to wake up and be more alert but the drugs were making me sleepy. I had to get an appointment for the dr that week so 3 days later (when I felt strong enough to get to the surgery I tried to get an appointment. Well like most Dr’s surgeries in the UK despite being told by the dr to make this appointment the guard dogs (AKA – drs receptionists) wont let you book an appointment unless you are dying which at this point I thought I was with my neck. 
The next day I tried again…. I managed to get an appointment with a dr I’d never heard of. 
This is normally a waste of time for me as not many Dr’s are willing to change any medication or do anything without my epilepsy and cluster consultant’s and London consultant being notified first. This Dr however was different. He was lovely. He even had a skill very far and few between Dr’s ……. he listened. 

After a chat and examination it looks like ive damaged my neck as Ive had years of seizures.The epilepsy medication damages the bones, nails, teeth and all things like that so with the combination of medication since i was 4 years old and the recurrent seizures slinging my neck in awkward positions it is not surprising. I received some pills for my neck and then he asked me many questions.. We now have some different injections for home as well and medication to help the seizures when Im going through a bad spell. I already had some but these ones are apparently stronger and the ones I normally have whist in hospital so should mean another step away from hospital. Great!. 

About a year ago now I was told that there was a new drug to help the pain I get from my head and seizures and cluster headache however it was strong and acts upon the heart. I was told to get a ECG heart trace which I did. This was given to my consultant and I was then told I couldn’t go on the new drug. I was not given much of an explanation to my satisfaction apart from it was not right. Therefore I asked this new GP what was wrong with my ECG. Apparently he couldn’t even find it so I am due for another trace on Tuesday. Fingers crossed I will get a better reading and be able to trial this drug and maybe get relief. 

In the mean time I am also staying at my nans during the day at weekends with my mum as my grandad went into have his leg straightened again on Monday. The week has been hard but Ive managed one hospital visit and im at nans as I type. I am so sleepy on the new drugs and feel like im under water. Everything I do is an effort but I am forcing myself to get back to normal. 

Yesterday (Saturday) I installed Laras Dreadlocks ! I had never installed dreadlocks in my life before but with the help of youtube (god I love youtube) I managed it… 

Im really pleased with the result and I think Tink is too.

Today Ive rested and Im on the strong meds again as my neck is pretty painful. It doesn’t seem to matter what I do or what position I am in it makes no difference so its just medication and grin and bare it. The seizures are still unpredictable as usual and I need to get my confidence back fast. 
A spell like this always makes me think about doing anything or going anywhere cos what if I had a seizure…. but if you live life like that you may as well not live at all. Grab the bull with both horns and have faith no fear. 

Tomorrow is monday and I so want to go to band practice. I am going to see how I go and maybe even if I sit out for a bit I will at least get to play something. 
I love my music and could really do with chilling out at band and not thinking about much while I play. I miss everybody too. Strange really as you rarely get to talk to many people while there but Its nice to be with people who I do class as really good friends. 

Kent Coastal Concert Band is an amazing band.

Nothingness and everything.

This is a hard blog but it had to be done. If you feel like this know you are not alone… I am there too. 

“I don’t want to see anyone. I lie in the bedroom with the curtains drawn and nothingness washing over me like a sluggish wave. Whatever is happening to me is my own fault. have done something wrong, something so huge,  I can’t even see it, something that’s drowning me. I am inadequate and stupid, without worth. I might as well be dead.” 

― Margaret Atwood, Cat’s Eye

This pretty much sums it up at the moment. In the last week I have been through so many emotions. Happiness at living life and enjoying things on Monday to totally down and in trouble for the rest of the week. Yesterday I felt I was on the up again and today Im even further down than I’ve been all week. This time i feel I’m not mentally strong enough I’m loosing control of myself, my body, my worth I’m sitting here feeling like my heart and soul for life is not strong enough to battle this beast. I’ve felt this way before… Many years ago. I promised myself I wouldn’t go there again but it may be a promise I can’t keep. Even my promises to myself are empty. 

It’s harder because I thought I was crawling out of this ditch yesterday…. It was a “good as can be day”. I was happy… I went out in the car and it was lovely. Exhausting but lovely.
Today I am in the depts of depression because the beast is starting to leave its marks on me. Never did I think my seizures would impact on me like this… Ive been tough, strong, a tigger that always bounces back…. not at the moment. The beast is making marks.Maybe not so people can see when I put my mask of happiness on but to me the marks are like hard heavy dirty footprints in soft mud. 

* Medication has weakened my teeth and bones.
* Seizures have damaged muscles and ligaments.
* Headaches from seizures and the amount of seizures mean I’m taking more and more medication. 
* Seizures cause bruising, scrapes, cuts and scars. 
* Bad seizures that make my jaw tense and clench hard have broken teeth. 

Im loosing more and more confidence of my own body every day…. Wondering when and where it will let me down next. Always looking for somewhere to run and hide if I need to. The world being split in two… one that is the lovely world where I am normal and my mask protects me from everything and then the real world… where my mask is just a face I put on and sometimes this will fail like today.

I see mum struggle with things. She has her own problems with things but she struggles with me and the beast too. It’s impacting on her which I hate to see. It’s not fair on her. Would it be better if I want here? It’s got it’s grip into me, the beast of epilepsy will not let go at the moment. I want  to live life not be stuck in limbo where I feel at the mo. Mum struggles with grumpy being just that.. grumpy. Just last night there were problems – not to be discussed here but just that he acts as he does and makes life difficult for others. 

I am made to feel that this is something I have done wrong, something that I am making happen. Its not –  I know but sometimes it feels like I’m brainwashed by the end of the day to believe that the beast is here for a reason, I have done something bad and I am being punished with having epilepsy. I get minutes where I think Its not my fault but then he will say something and Its my fault again, and I believe it.
 I am “ruining the family” (his words not mine). I have “split the family – made his life bad and he doesnt have a life” ? 

Well I know in reality that this is not true.. He definitely has a better life than I do… at least grumpy has had 67 years of good health, friends, travel, two marriages – three children. Not that he has made right decisions or valued any of the above but he has had the chance to do this. 

I am 26  – had two serious partners one ended quite abusive and was apparently my fault again because of epilepsy and the other just couldn’t cope with me not being able to do things all the time because Id had a seizure that morning and couldn’t walk round the city that afternoon. I probably will never have children due to the pure amount of medication Ive been on since age 4. One Dr even sat me down and severely told me not to get pregnant. 
As for travel and just life well I had plans, they got eaten by epilepsy. Career? I had one…. That got eaten too. Friends? well I have some awesome friends but many have left because Im probably not the friend that they want – I cant go nightclubbing, drinking till pissed and all that stuff…. In fact Ive not been in a nightclub. 

So as for not having a life… maybe he should think again because from where I am right now I would love that life. Not only has he had one but he is now waited on hand and foot by a wife who despite all the shit she gets from him with nothing in return – not even just a civil conversation or thank you. 

Im not going crazy but I do feel depressed. Depression hurts, Its a pain deep inside the body, heart and stomach. It affects everything – I will stay strong. 

So here I am writing this depressing blog which no-one probably reads but at least if you are someone searching the web feeling like I do or have in the past… you may stumble upon me and this blog and realise you are NOT alone. This may be a depressing blog but life is not all smiles and sunshine. There are clouds too. Im in the dark black clouds trying to fight my way out. Hopefully I will. I am getting dragged to a place I don’t want to go again. 

Remember I love you all and appreciate everything.

I will not give up

When I was diagnosed with epilepsy all those years ago we were told the things that I could and couldn’t do, the things that needed to be watched and what I should and shouldn’t stay away from. Some of these made seance, others didn’t. Some because of my age then (4) didn’t apply anyway. When I was re-diagnosed as a teen some of these started to play a part whereas they hasn’t before one including not having a bath or shower without someone being about. Outside the door. This is one of the most frustrating things I think because having a relaxing bath isn’t as relaxing when your constantly aware that someone is sitting outside the door waiting for me to get out so they can continue doing whatever it was they were doing. I have only had one seizure jn the bath and i was startkng to get complacent again recently until However I realised once again how important this was. Tuesday night when I was relaxing after a long day I woke suddenly in the bath to find the water drained and my head hurting and me in the bath surrounded by soaking  towels. The feeling of pain from having a seizure in such a hard and restricted place my nose and throat sore from swallowing water and my contact lenses still in but really sore and hard in my eyes. I was lucky though… So many others have been where I am and not made it, the beast taking them to heaven. Just three months ago another angel was taken this same way. The risk of drowning in epilepsy is higher than you think. 

The next day I had another seizure and another and another. My head was hurting so bad and my painkillers weren’t working. I had oxygen on and there was not much else we could do for now. The dr wouldn’t come until it was worse. Well it got worse I can’t remember much of the next few hours. Mum had called the dr in panic and tears that if they didn’t come out and administer the emergency drugs now then we would end up in hospital which is useless for me now as my veins are so bad iv access is impossible with light going to theatre and the hospital staff get grumpy even though I cannot ho my veins being difficult to access! 

The dr came about a hour and a half later. I was given a series of injections one in my bum and two in my arm. All having a different purpose and all combined making me really sleepy and woozy. This is not an uncommon syndrome for me. So many times I end up in this situation of pain from the cluster headaches and the epilepsy seizures all at once fighting inside my body and trying to take over, they succeed and I end up poorly and bedridden for a few days recovering from the aches which my tensing muscles cause, the bruises and scrapes where I’ve hit something or knocked something down, and the wooziness nausea and anxiety this beast and the drugs cause. 

I eventually do recover. Able to move freely not in pain… Then another seizure strikes. Is it to remind me that my body isn’t actually mine anymore?  That it belongs to the beast of epilepsy? No because I will not give up! I will not let the beast take my body just yet…. I’ve too much I want to do. 

It’s taken part of my vision some of my teeth have been broken, It’s given me sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders, serious cuts and scars and that’s just physical. The beast still hasn’t broken me  yet. I will not give in. 

I’m really Tired and still feel unwell but I’m still positive too. 

I have epilepsy…. It does NOT have me 

Confidence at Gigs

Stress causes seizures too, and I was under alot of stress over this this past week, There were issues after I subbed for a band last saturday and because of this, I found myself spacing out most of the day and my big seizures well increased a little too. 

The rest of the week I went to KCCB on monday (mark wasn’t there but Kara wanted to come and see if she thought it was possible to sing so there was no probs with someone to go with). It was a lovely practice though hard. I had a lovely pressie from my friend Judi of this beautiful sparkly and purple bracelet… ive not taken it off except to shower and bath yet cos its so lovely.

Bracelet from Judi 

Tuesday was as per normal a bad day for me… I often suffer on tuesdays for the long and late night on mondays but coastal is so worth it. The next day I went shopping for ball gowns… I came up with a georjus red one however it had a stain so I didn’t buy it. I love the style though.We had to get home pretty quick as I was feeling really poorly and had oxygen on route home… I managed to get to bed and chill for the rest of the day.  Kara came round on thursday and we were going to the craft box… we got there though and there was a mass of children… we got our paint and left rapidly. I wasn’t feeling too good 15 mins later anyway so I’m glad we didn’t stay. I didn’t let on to kara though and we managed a couple of shops she wanted to do and then got home. the next couple of days (friday and saturday) I had problems with big seizures. I had 4 tonic-clonics in just one day, I was spacing most of the day too but that was least of my probs. I took it east and just chilled and had mostly pj days on the sofa with films and pussy cat cuddles. Magick knows if i don’t feel right and always comes for his cuddles. I really was trying to be good and rest as I had a concert at a bandstand with KCCB on sunday and really love their concerts. 

The rest paid off and I managed to feel ok to go to the gig. Judi was really lovely and was giving me a lift. Its always a bit scary when going anywhere with someone who you’ve not gone / been alone with before but I trust Judi a lot and she’s a kind person. I felt ok and was (still am) on my stronger meds which I always go on during a bad patch and so I was covered! I hoped. 

The gig went really well but was exhausting (as band and gigs always are) I find gigs are more strenuous as its constant playing and in a different environment. 
Judi dropped me off at the bandstand and went to find a parking  space. the first thing I found was that the bandstand was quite small for the band. The flute section was really tight and I panicked as where I was sitting there would be no way i’d get out in time if I felt a seizure coming on… if i felt it coming on at all (some are just sudden). I always like to be able to get out and here I couldn’t. There was no way round it though. The head of section in bands always sits on the end. Next to her was another lady who would never move in a million years so I just prayed hard that I would get through. Though gigs like this really do scare me to death. Music does make me forget and be normal but there is always that arghh thing especially in public and situations like this that makes me not be able to. 
As the pieces were played I was getting tired, making my anxieties worse. I was so glad when It was break time. I went and sat round the back of the bandstand after saying hi to mark. It was quiet and I wanted to try chill and I did. Mark judi and giles came over and auben sat with us it was all good. I was knackered and felt a bit odd but not too much. I got asked many times if I was ok and that non-defeatest part of me put on a smile and yep im fine. Im sure mark knew I was knackered and on the edge ha ha

This lovely picture was taken at that moment. 

Back: Mark, Front: Giles, Me (Jo), Judi, Albun

After break we had to start again and back into the cramped bandstand where I couldn’t get out! the second half went quite quick and It was good. I had taken my meds that I needed to at break and all went really well. The end of the gig and we packed up and sorted and then walked to Judi’s car which (she did tell me) was parked a long way away…. I didnt realise how far though. I made it but how I dont know ha ha. We had a good journey home. 

I got in and was exhausted. I put my Pj’s on straight away, grabbed a sandwich as I’d not eaten since 10 am and it was now about 6pm ! I sat and watched a film on my laptop but never saw much as I fell asleep. I woke at 8 and had a massive headache. I took some pills and went to get my things ready for the next day as we are looking after my nan and grandad this week so need to get up and go early as we need to light the fire and help them get up and dressed etc. I had a sudden drop seizure. I woke up and mum was there. I must have hit my head on something as I had a cut on my face. It was a little sore and bleeding. It was ok and wiped off the blood ok. I was so dozey and even more tired now mum helped me to bed and thats where I stayed. I must have fallen asleep again and woke up the next morning. (today!). 

Today has been a bit weird but ok. I ave had a headache all day but thats not unusual after a day like yesterday. I am really tired but that could be from either drugs or the manic weekend. Im happy though. Im sitting painting some glass work for my friend Linda. 

Thats it for now guys so say hi send me a message it will be good to hear your stories too. 

Cheerio ! 


Just a quick not to ask who is reading my blog? Please feel free to leave me a comment or message. It will good to hear from you. 

Would you like me to add a few craft bits in, tutorials maybe. 
I do all sorts of craft 

I also do nail art too so could could add a few nail tutorials too. 

Here are a few examples below. 

I also sell a few pieces of art and can bling almost anything if you would like anything blinged then let me know.


Glass Painting (candle/ votive holder)
Wine Glass With heart design 

Bling Ipod/pad/iphone wire 

Bling headphones 

Blinged pill/tablet pot 
Nail Art (winnie the pooh inspired)

Panda nails

Peacock inspired nail art

Painting inspired nail art 

Seizure fashion.

TODAY IS MAY 25th 2013

I have just been the first person in the uk to receive a  IWBYE tshirt (I Will Beat You Epilepsy) . Its a new website with dedicated fashion all about fighting and beating epilepsy. I am so honoured to have the first uk tshirt.
They only have a few tshirts in different designs at the moment but they will be getting more stock soon.

The Tshirt is very me as it even has a purple trebble clef which is even better as I love my music !

The tshirt costs  $20 and $10 dollers shipping. 
Its a little more than Id pay but its a excellent statement and one I live by everyday so very worth it. 

Double consultant

Well the last couple of months have been full of ups and downs.
The ups being good days and playing music, meeting friends and the bad being hospital visits, consultant meetings, results and I still cant see out my left eye !

A few weeks ago now I met with my consultant, and another consultant from a high up place in the care of epilepsy in the whole of kent who was lovely but this meeting totally confused me as It was a surprise not to be just my normal consultant. I always have questions to ask my consultant but it all went out the window when I went in and the other man was there, therefore I didnt get chance to say hardly any of what I wanted to ask. In fact I left with more questions.

The man was there to talk about my situation and the posibility of doing something more invasive like surgery. This has been spoken about in the past and I was told a few months previous it looks like it may be possible…. it turns now that this isnt a option yet as my seizures dont just originate from my temporal lobe like they have done all my life but now have also spread to the occipital (explaining the loss of vision from my left eye). This for me was a complete kick in the stomach yet good news as well as at least I knew why my eye had been on and off and now pretty much off for the duration of time. 

I liked the extra consultant yet It was a really difficult meeting being told that the end of the line as to what they can do is very near. If surgery isnt a option and the drugs are not working then at the moment we are at a standstill. However there are a couple of other options being looked into as I type so for now all is not lost… its close but we’re not there yet. 

The other issue we spoke about in the meeting was my cluster headaches. It makes things more difficult that I have these as well as medication reacts and all sorts of things which I dont really understand myself yet they just said its a little more complicated and they tread carefully. Anyway there was this drug I was told I could try a few months ago. I had to have a ECG though to check my heart as it reacts with the heart. I had the ECG done and I wanted to now start the drug so I brought the subject up. This too was not a option as the ECG came back with a problem…. yet they didnt say what, and that was one of the questions I forgot to ask as they went into a different subject before I could really finnish what I was about to say. 

I left the appointment a bit grumpy and down. It was hard being told the end of the road is neigh, but i had a few answers and I knew not to panic about my eye too much and I knew they were now working hard to find me some answers and help. 

Still, got to keep going, have faith and “just keep swimming, Just keep swimming” ! 

Now to wait for the reply and answers.