Today is fathers day 2012 . A day for celebrating dads everywhere.
Yesterday Mum and I had gone to view our picture on a photo mosaic of the queen at the turner contemporary art gallery, this was part of the queens diamond jubilee. Months before i’d sent in pictures of us all and written stories to go with them (the story had to be about why the picture was special to you) for one of the pictures I sent in a picture of mum and i on the race for life, this is a cause close to our heart as my nan has survived breast cancer twice. The last one she had was the most severe yet it was caught early and thanks to cancer research she is alive to this day. Anyway we went to see it in the flesh and it looks great. We are on the old queen on the crown… very apt i think!
It was the first time i’d been out properly after going into hospital. It was the furthest too. We packed the oxygen and I took it slow, i still feel very delicate and Im almost scared of my own shadow…. this bout has really knocked me. Anyway I got round and then on our way back we stopped of in our town. Mum wanted some things from busy bees and I needed to pick up dads pressie from the craft box. I was so so excited to see it but also worried as i wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out…not only had i done it in 4 sessions but id tried a new technique called etching. I needn’t have worried, The plaque was fab and I was so so excited to see dads face. The plaque was double sided and id put a bus stop on one side and his regiment and details on the other. This was a fab pressie and i was excited already. At home I put the ribbon on and a few beads so i could be hung up. I wrapped the plaque and decorated the bag and wrote the card. Everything was ready.
Dad was working all day tomorrow and was going really early in the morning. As a family in these situations we have always done the occasion the night before so mum said to go get it and we all sat down. Dad was playing on the computer, like he does a lot… i think the solitaire game must have a hypnotic effect cos he can play it for hours without blinking! when he came and sat down he had a spat with mum about having whisky in (which we didn’t) its my fult because i was too tired to go round the supermarket and be able to pick up his pressie so we were planning on doing the shopping tomorrow. Anyway he made some rude comments as is usual for him and said he thought we would have been nice! (charming) anyway pressie was pointed out and happy fathers day exchanged and he had the look of thunder on his face. Oh boy!
he took the bag and opened it… didnt really seem interested but smilied and then put it down.
well not the result i was hoping for. My heart sank to the floor and I went back to the front room. I put the plaque on the dining room table and sat down. I felt dreadful anyway why didnt he say anything? didn’t he like it? i knew the answer to my thoughts and questions. but it didn’t help as i already felt depressed without him adding more reasons why I should end up on antidepressants.
Anti-depressents were not a route i wanted to go down. Im not totally against them but I take enough medication already and I’m not even sure how they would react with my epilepsy drugs and I’ve enough problems with that already. I like to try my approach… the disney sparklie smile on the outside even if it hurts approach first. I look back on the years and remember my dark days…. i survived them surely i can survive now. Only time will tell i guess but at the moment I feel depressed. I went to bed and thats where I stayed till this morning.
I woke this morning with crust eyes where i fell asleep crying last night. It wasn’t the first time i cried myself to sleep because of family but I wish it didn’t get to me so much. I say I don’t care but the truth is no matter how much he hurts me i will still try and be nice…. what really gets me is when he gets to mum, that i really can’t stand. Last night mum was upset and that made me more upset.
Hey today is another day so maybe things are different.
Mum had put the plaque on the wall and dad was at work. I needed to go visit our friend today, at least i can talk to him. What we really needed to do is go shopping, If not for anything else but to avoid another evening like last night.
We went to asda. On the way I was on the iPad looking at emails and checking Facebook. our friend had made meringues and asked us round for a coffee! bonus i thought we were popping up anyway 🙂
We finished the asda shopping and went round. We stayed for about an hour and it was nice to give bill his card and pressie and actually see a smile. At least he appreciated it.
We then popped round nan and granddads as it was mums turn to play postman. she had brought grandad some ginger wine and chocolate… he favourites. she also got a smile.
It ended up a good day but the roller coaster isn’t on a high by any means
I look at other people with their fathers and I do feel a bit jealous sometimes. someone to go and talk to … I wonder what its like to be a daddys girl? I will never know.