Tag Archives: fun

People’s Kindness

This Blog is just to say a massive “THANK YOU” to all my friends and family for their kindness.
For all those people who are sending messages and prayers of get well soon,  and for my close friends and family who are looking after me through this tough time.

I have so many messages and I do read every single one of them even if i dont reply to all.

Here are a few of the things i’ve been sent and messages and thoughts. Every single one of them im thankful for. There are far more than what is in this blog so please dont get offended if yours isnt here. I cant possible put every message or picture up but maybe I will start to do videos when I get better or something, I dont know. I have alot Im planning at the moment so keep you posted.
for now all I can say is thank you to you all.

Picture Taken from when I had sleepover
In the studio. I made this fish to keep
swimming out of a sparkler! 
Thank you to my Bestie Lara for this beautiful card. xxx



A chant from a special lady I know xxx

Lots of special wishes from special people xxxx

This picture was made for me by Lara. 
So so cleaver.

Balloon and fluffy from my bestie Claire 
these are from my best friend Linda
the necklace is of a hand holding a sparklie ball.
we both have one cos we hold each others hand and both like sparkles.
I also got nail tips, nail decorations, Sellotape pretty bits for scrapbook,
magnet, tinkerbel necklace and some sparklie tights!

More beautiful cards

This is a case I designed and mum got printed for me

Beautiful bracelet made for me by a lovely lady
It says “jo, Just keep swimming”

A lovely lady I know from a band brought me these bits back from
her holiday on the Disney cruise line. She knows I love disney.
I can not get over how thoughtful the gifts were but also that they
were presented so lovely. Wrapped in purple tissue paper and minnie mouse
paper and then put into a pretty box with sparkles on.
Pirate bandana from Helen “oo ah!”

This photo is of a lovely Necklace that arrived, as complete surprise and was from my best friend Lara. 
I know ive said thank you already but thank you again… he is so cute!.

Stop and smell the roses !

Stop & Smell the roses, It’s Not a Competition
Throughout our childhood, there is a strong focus on being the best at everything. mostley this comes from our parents ans peers who although they only mean to encourage, they create this thing where a person feels they need to be the best in sports – being picked first and being picked for the school teams. The best in class – getting the best grades; the best report card; the best places at the best universities. The best phone; iPod; clothes. The most popular. The most likely to succeed. I could go on… My point is, there is a distinct emphasis on where you were/are placed  in a imaginary or physical league table of your peers.
As we grow up into ‘mature’ adults…  And leave the world of compulsory education, we unfortunately continue this obsession of how we are comparing to another.
For those of us with disability or chronic illness, comparing ourselves to our able-bodied friends can be seriously detrimental, making us depressed and feel worse. 
So-and-so from high school just bought his first house.
Whatshername from university has just been awarded her PhD.
The guy down the road, he’s making 60K a year.
John and Jane from college are married, two kids, and are going on holiday to Australia.
Need I go on? I’m certain if your reading this as someone with a chronic illness you’ve said similar to yourself.
I’m certain you have replies to all of those sayings too. You haven’t been on holiday in years. Living in rented accommodation or with your parents! . You barely making ends meet, or living on benefits.
But listen to me…. life is NOT a competition.
The people we relentlessly compare our ‘failing’ lives to don’t have to live with these life-changing/ life limiting illnesses. You are a SURVIVOR, and have lived through experiences they couldn’t even dream of in their worst nightmare!.  You have the ability to help and support others in similar situations – no amount of education, or money, or fancy plasma TV screens can mimic that. You have knowledge of the health system, of treatments and hospitals, doctors and health professionals. All of your experiences are USEFUL, and while we may wish we didn’t have that pleasure, we can turn around the negative and use it for positive.
While you may see better things in their world than your own, jealousy is an ugly and unhelpful thing. Instead, why not use these  feelings to try and improve your own situation – IF you are well enough. So you can’t do this and that but we live in a world of computers and social media ! If someone told me 5 years ago that I would be a world wide advocate for epilepsy awareness I would have told you ,your mad. Yet here I am less than a year on from when I started speaking out about epilepsy, My epilepsy, sharing my life with you all. Before this I was scared, tired, upset and felt worthless. I resented epilepsy for taking everything away from me. Now although I’m still not happy (I mean who would be) about my situation but I have my own blog. YouTube channel, Instagram and all the other social media things. I’ve abseiled, started a lantern ceremony, celebrated purple day, raised over £720 in 4 months, been in the newspaper and am about to get published in a worldwide magazine… All in this short time. You have the power to show people life shouldn’t be taken for granted- the more people realise this the more people will enjoy the simple things in life like we do… Like I do. 
I appreciate being able to get up and out of bed, I appreciate every part of life when I’m conscious and able to see it, I appreciate being able to have a bath, I appreciate when I don’t have to take all my pain killers, or don’t have to be on oxygen, that all to me is freedom. There are so many things I appreciate that I know everyone else takes for granted and I tell you something, I feel I am more empowered to go forward in life: no matter how far I get in life. 
Living your life thinking you are failing in comparison to others around you, will ONLY set you up to fail. CHANGE your way of thinking. Challenge instead of competition – challenge yourself to improve what you have, but ultimately you need to love the life you live.
A good friend of mine told me that life is different for everyone and i was given this life by god because he knew i have the strength to cope with it.  Coping with illness and pain takes a lot of daily effort. Just as much – if not more than being in full time work or being a mum or anything anyone else is doing. It’s just a different strength. 
Life is not a competition or a race. Life is for enjoying, exploring and experiencing. The more you compete – the more of life you will miss. Go slower stop and smell the roses and enjoy the small things. 

Cadbury World

What girl does not want to go to cadbury world, the place where chocolate is made! and in my case dreams !

Ive always wanted to see the world of chocolate, to be in the biggest chocolate shop in the UK and to smell chocolate being made. It was a 2 hour trip to Birmingham – I really didnt realise it was so far. When My bestie said about going I never thought it would be so far. We arrived after the journey and entered Cadbury world. 
there is so so much to say about cadbury world but if i did then it would ruin the surprise for you going yourself.  There are alot of talks, lots of lessons about chocolate and a chocolate bean ride, 
We were bombarded with chocolate bars at the beginning and then little pots of heaven… i mean to say little pots of melted chocolate around the course of the tour. 
Then you get to write your name in chocolate and watch chocolate being made the new way and the old fashioned way. I could never work in a chocolate factory it would be far too tempting. 
There were lots of shapes made from chocolate,… i even found a chocolate clarinet and saxophone ! 
Sadly these were not for sale. 
the day was fab, very tiring and i was struggling that day but totally loved the experience.

Robin Hood Country

I am just going to say that the holiday blogs are going to be just that until the thursday. Yes I had seizures during the week. some big ones, lots of little ones but for once I want a little bit normal stuff on here just a week. 

So It is Sunday and sherwood forest was calling… Well not literally but we were off to sherwood forrest. This is something Ive wanted to do for more years than you can imagine.. It was on my bucket list and something that i read as a child and said then “i want to go there” ive said it with ashdown forrest too (the 100 acre wood for those of you that do not read winnie the pooh novels).

Anyway we were all ready (ralph, Linda, Mum and me. Jade couldnt come which was a shame but we all piled in the car). Ralph I now know is a ex chauffeur which makes total sence now as he took us the long way round to show us the beautiful sights of the area. I was literally stunned when we came across sights such as this:

We arrived at Sherwood forrest… somehow it was not how I imagined. This is not a good or bad way just completely different than my pictures I had in my head. It was also alot bigger. It seemed ages before we got to the car-park and then we had to walk a long long way to the Major oak. The major oak was stunning, though tainted by supports that kept the branches from falling down in storms. It seemed so sad that something so naturally beautiful was now subject to being held up by man made structures. However it was still beauty, Just like everything, beauty lies within.

There were other trees round the forrest that were “quirky” too 
This was my favourite 

on the way home we had a picnic in the grounds of a beautiful abby, It was like a dream, I had just visited the major oak and was now on the grass picnic and blankets and calm, peace, no grr’s nothing. seriously amazing all I can do is thank the people who made it happen because you will never know how much that meant.

Mum, Me & Ralph
Mum and I 

Me and my best friend 

By the time we got home I was exhausted, I ached all over from lots of walking but It was one of the most amazing days ever.

Holiday preparations.

So Friday 28th we were due to go to Lincolnshire to see one of my bestest friends. The packing was a well…. Ummm….. Challenge. Lots of pressies and lots of stuff which I felt I needed (I still think I need it) plus a lot of medical stuff (whole suitcase to be exact). A few play about bits including my old flute (don’t like being without a musical instruments).

Finally we were ready. We had to take Magick to cattery which although it was the best cattery around 5* and very lovely people I still had a lot of tears. He had all his home comforts there though and looked ok when I left. I try not to think of him too much as I know he will be fine. 
The taxi came, Nigel was lovely. We had lots and lots of traffic on the way though 

Eventually we got to Lincolnshire, OMG the scenery. Lots of fields and pretty lanes. Some we saw as on the way to Linda’s we got a little lost but finally after about 5 hours we arrived at Linda’s. 
Cuppa and meet the dogs and chill out was for the rest of the day. It’s was lovely to see her again. 
We went up to our room and the bed was lovely made and there were Disney cushions! So fab… And they were for me. What a surprise. I am a huge Disney fan! 
There was even a finding Nemo one…… 
“Just keep swimming” 
After a long days travel my head was quite bad, a little while on the oxygen and it eased a bit though. Bed time was very welcomed. So much fun ahead of us. 

Weekend & Confidence boosting.

Well last week I was on the verge of breaking down, this week I hope things are on the up. My weekend started Friday when I had an appointment with my Dr about my ECG and the probability of me going on the new pills… Well Due to the ECG and the “unlicensed” meds The answer was a No – However he will prescribe them if my London consultant says yes. I have an appointment with him on  22nd. Fingers crossed once again. 
For now Im stuck with the situation im in. Medication making me tired and sleepy if I take it – having seizures and being in pain if I dont. Its a conflicting situation. I have no choice with the seizure meds but I try and hold off on the pain killers as long as I can. The likes of Codeine, ibuprofen, Diclofenac and some other injection that I cant spell and morphine are not nice meds to take.

After the recent events Ive been really like a recluse an not wanted to go out much for fear of seizures as they have been quite bad… except the drs of course. 

However This weekend My weekend started friday. 

1) My Grandad is out of hospital. Its a long story but he went in for a knee replacement last year which went teribly wrong. His leg had to be straightened, a year later and the work they had done had broken and crumbled and so he needed another op to repair his crumbling bone. He is now out of hospital with a straightened leg and two rods and bolts through it and in plaster however it is fab to have him out as he normally ends up really poorly in hospital with infection…this time, so far so good all is ok. This also means mum and i do not have to live up there to be with nan. Not that I mind but it is one less hassle of taking all the necessary things up there. And they are both happier now they are back together. 

2) My Camera arrived. Ive been asked to do alot of blogs and vlogs recently and my video camera I previously had (the Flip HD) was not up to the job, plus its hard to video yourself when you cant see what your video’ing. Now I hate videoing myself, moving picture is fine but if I have to talk im not so happy however I do it for Epilepsy awareness so Im trying to get over my fear and improve my self confidence by doing this. Also I need it for the next piece of good news. 

3) Friday I got the news that I am reviewing things for this new company IWBYE which stands for “I will beat you epilepsy”. I am honoured in being the first person ever to receive one of their tshirts designed by them and I will be doing reviews of their products via this blog and my youtube channel (tiggerifficjem) please go take a look at my channel and subscribe. It is totally free to do so and you will get a email when I upload a new video. Also the more subscriptions I receive the more knowledge gets out there and the more I will be doing. 

You can visit them at this address

Click here for IWBYE

4) This weekend was Sci-Fi weekend. Saturday Lara came over and we chilled out, she visited me at studio Tigz  (my little craft and relaxation room) and we had a good time. I re sealed her dreadlocks and we done nail art In preparation of sci fi day. I may look into making some dreadlocks as apparently Lara thinks I would be able to do it and there are few people to get them from. So I will be looking into that when I get back off holidays. Ive got too much to do until I get back.

5) SCI-FI DAY: Yes today Is sunday. I am sitting on the sofa, in my pj’s totally exhausted. I have been here since 2 o’clock this afternoon! Today was the first time I’d been out properly since being poorly again. I wasn’t feeling my best when we left but I took meds and felt I could do it. With Lara by my side I always feel happier. She is one of my true best friends who Ive known for many years and It doesn’t matter where in the world/country we are we will always make time for each other  Anyway so Im exhausted but it was all worth it. Lara came over early and we got ready, Hair and last touches of make up – not that mine was anything spectacular but we both felt better – I wore the Superman (girl) tshirt that lara had brought me and we were off. We arrived at 11am and had a look round, From the outset we could see many characters and costumes and stalls and music and people – there were hundreds of people ! We handed over our tickets in exchange for a hand stamp

The Giant Ghost buster marsh mellow was hard to miss, There were lots of lovely people there including those that helped organise and set this extravaganza of sci- fi up. We walked around the first few stalls and then came to the Activity box stall. It was really good to see Abi and Barbs as I’d not seen them for so long. Lots of hugs all round and I felt happy to be out. My confidence was growing. I left my oxygen behind the stall as It is really heavy. We looked round a few more stalls until my legs couldnt carry me anymore so we went back to the activity box tent for a reset and chat. It was great to introduce lara to other people in my life. I like it when everyone knows everyone – I guess thats the country person (as my grandad would say) coming out in me. I went to another stall on the next look round that done face painting/temorary tattoos’ I chose a nemo design an had it on my cheek. I love the Finding Nemo film – especially the quote “just keep swimming” i really believe that if i just keep swimming in life I will get through this. 
 The day went on and we took lots of photos and video (i tried to do a scilent VLOG for my first one to get my confidence up so I will be sorting and editing that in the next few days and it  will be up on you tube. 
My head started to get worse and at 1:15 I called mum to come and get lara and I . Lara had to go home to Essex too so she had a long trip ahead. I came home and apart from editing a little video and photos I have been resting. I face timed with my other bestie Linda which was fun… I love facetime. We are both getting really excited now about me going up to visit soon. I cant wait. Lots ot do and fun to be had… Of course I will be bloggin! 
Nite Nite for now and Thank you to all those people who made today possible and to those who made me feel more “normal” 


Just a quick not to ask who is reading my blog? Please feel free to leave me a comment or message. It will good to hear from you. 

Would you like me to add a few craft bits in, tutorials maybe. 
I do all sorts of craft 

I also do nail art too so could could add a few nail tutorials too. 

Here are a few examples below. 

I also sell a few pieces of art and can bling almost anything if you would like anything blinged then let me know.


Glass Painting (candle/ votive holder)
Wine Glass With heart design 

Bling Ipod/pad/iphone wire 

Bling headphones 

Blinged pill/tablet pot 
Nail Art (winnie the pooh inspired)

Panda nails

Peacock inspired nail art

Painting inspired nail art 

Seizure fashion.

TODAY IS MAY 25th 2013

I have just been the first person in the uk to receive a  IWBYE tshirt (I Will Beat You Epilepsy) . Its a new website with dedicated fashion all about fighting and beating epilepsy. I am so honoured to have the first uk tshirt.
They only have a few tshirts in different designs at the moment but they will be getting more stock soon.

The Tshirt is very me as it even has a purple trebble clef which is even better as I love my music !

The tshirt costs  $20 and $10 dollers shipping. 
Its a little more than Id pay but its a excellent statement and one I live by everyday so very worth it. 


Halloween is one of my most favourite times of the year. I love the spookiness, the food and autumn nights and it gives us adults a chance to make up and dress up without getting funny looks ! Just the last couple of years Halloween has been fab in our town. There is a group of people who have got together and organise a Zombie craw and this year (the 2nd year) we are also having a zombie ball.

I this year I was going as a zombie sleeping beauty, Kara as a zombie teacher and Mark and his daughter a zombie man and zombie school girl. 

The run up to the even was great I loved dressing up and making up and it was a real buzz. The crawl was to be longer this year and i was also asked to shake one of those buckets where people put money (the events these people do always raise money for some charity). Anyway the night came and we were all made up and ready to go. 

It was FREEEZING ! oh boy it was cold. Mark, nic, kara and I all went and and after many photos the crawl begun. by the time we got 3/4’s round i felt it was literally a crawl i knew it was supoesto be longer than last year but compared to last year it was a hike! 
We all returned to the hall where the ball was to be held safely, exhausted and freezing but the night was young and we soon warmed up. 
The event was a disco and a dj with all the gear was on the stage, the music was loud and fab. I hadnt gone to an even like this since a ball about 7 years ago. I had checkedd before booking that there would be no strobes that would set my seizures off  and  there wasnt… the night went really well and we all had a good time. 
For once I felt normal 


Yes ! and apologies.

Tuesday and we had a knock at the door. it was the builders to come and have a look at the white shed to see if the studio could be built.
They had a look and we told them what was needed and WHOOP! yes it can be done.!
and the best bit….. the builders are larry and jamiee.

for a few weeks the blog is slow… 
this is because 

1) grumpy has ben more than just grumpy…. we’ve had lots of issues which will be gone through in another post when im in a mood to bother talking about him.
2) seizures have not been great but we cope. and i got a new toy which will also be gone through in another post.
3) my building of the studio has started…. pictures will go up in a min,
4) ive gone back to band practice which i totally am loving but is another thing draining my little energy, but itss so worth it.

anyway these are my excuses and apoligies for being away for so long.
Normal service and blogs going through each of the above will be going up soon.

xxxx ttfn x x x x