Saturday morning I woke up and the pain was yet again intense. I went straight into multiple seizures.
Drs say that Status epilepticus is the most dangerous state for epilepsy sufferes. It takes so many lives. A person with epilepsy may experiance this once or twice in their lifetime with the disease… So far Ive been in status over 20 times and now 3 times in 3 days. life is getting scary.
I ended up having the paramedic and ambulance out and remember waking up with a IV line in which is very unusual as people normally cant get a line in. I was in and out of seizures for over an hour and I woke up in Kent and Canterbury hospital. It felt safer to be at home hospital though. somehow I cant explain. When the seizures stopped I was taken to a ward and had to wait to make sure the meds were working. I was given lots of extra meds and then claire and her dad came to get us to bring us home.
I was supoesto do a gig that morning but obviousley had to cancel. However it was the ball tonight and I was not going to not go. I had determined face on! My friends were down and I had the dress, the tickets and the will power I was going to go.
My best friend Lara came round early and helped me get ready, she managed to turn my palor complection into a 1900’s lady! without her doing my hair and makeup i really dont think i would have got there it was exhausting and i wasnt doing anything. We were all ready I couldnt wear my heels as i was having issues anyway but my dress was so long no one could see my sandal flats ha ha.