Tag Archives: france

For the love of a country!

I had been given another medication the name of which i couldn’t remember but i now had that and the carbamazepine to take morning and night.
The last year (since becoming a woman properly!) id been getting headaches… these were headaches like no other and were excruciating. Id bang my head against the pillow crying as the pain was so bad. Mum couldn’t understand why I didn’t lay down and still but the pain was so so bad i couldn’t i felt i had to move. Nothing helped the pain. I was given paracetamol, Ibuprofen and then another painkiller from the dr. This helped a little but no were near enough so i could function. I was then given a stronger medication. I was at he end of a period and I had my headache come on…. i took the tablets and it went enough so i could function but the pain was still bad.
I still went to school but id changed. Again my schoolwork sufered. It was heartbreaking and i felt like a ticking time bomb with my seizures as they were still unpredictable. Despite this i got made  prefect and completed my life long dream of going to disneyland paris that year.
It was only a day trip but it was enough for me. My cousins took me out a lot so i thought nothing of a sleep over at theirs. At 6am i was woken up and we got into the car and they drove. I will never forget when we got to the channel tunnel and my cousin turned to me and asked where we were going? i said France? yes where to? i don’t know…….. long pause.
Oh my word i have never been so happy!
the day was perfect. I was exhausted but i came back with a dream to live in france not only had i been disney’d but i had fallen in love with a country.
Id always liked french and id been out with the school before but in a month time I was due to go to a exhibition to represent the school in a capital of european culture as part of a uk and european pledge to become the next capital of european culture! it was a great weekend but the seizures took their toll. The french teacher was great and we had become quite close before hand as id often go and watch french tv in her class room if i felt too tired to stand in the playground for luch break. Most of my french was learnt this way so thank you to the french tv channels !
finally the medication started to work a little and i had  a few months grace. Only to be hit again.
A pattern started to emerge with my headaches and period and it all got too much at one point when i was rushed to hospital after non stop seizures.
I was in for 3 days while i was pumped full of drugs and then sent back into the open world again.