Tuesday and we had a knock at the door. it was the builders to come and have a look at the white shed to see if the studio could be built.
They had a look and we told them what was needed and WHOOP! yes it can be done.!
and the best bit….. the builders are larry and jamiee.
for a few weeks the blog is slow…
this is because
1) grumpy has ben more than just grumpy…. we’ve had lots of issues which will be gone through in another post when im in a mood to bother talking about him.
2) seizures have not been great but we cope. and i got a new toy which will also be gone through in another post.
3) my building of the studio has started…. pictures will go up in a min,
4) ive gone back to band practice which i totally am loving but is another thing draining my little energy, but itss so worth it.
anyway these are my excuses and apoligies for being away for so long.
Normal service and blogs going through each of the above will be going up soon.
xxxx ttfn x x x x