I woke up friday morning with the most painful headache once again. My body ached from all the seizures and I was in and out of consciousness alot. I dosed up on medication and managed to get dressed and downstairs. I didn’t know but mum had asked the taxi driver to come earlier to get me home and he did. He was there at 11am.
I didn’t want to go but I did. I wanted to be around my own hospitals and Drs because I knew i was in trouble. The pain was so bad I was literally crying like a baby… it rarely makes me cry as ive a huge pain tolerance. I said goodbye to linda which was horrible, I love her like my sister and we have become so close… i hated to leave on this note where i couldn’t say or articulate words properly. I got in the taxi, surrounded by my pillows and slept as much as i could as that was the only time the pain was at ease… I say slept yet you never really “sleep” when in cluster phase… I was half awake and could hear a few things and could feel the pain but had almost put myself in a coma state to make the pain less (if this makes sense – cluster heads will understand).
We arrived home and all i wanted was to get my pussycat magick back from cattery.
I was still in so much pain but wanted to make sure magick was ok first. We went to the cattery.. i called his name and I was surprised he jumped up immediately and came to the door and started meowing… in fact he was constantly meowing until i gave him a cuddle… it was the perfect reunion.
On the way home I said to mum, I think I need to go to the drs.. We dropped magick off and got him settled and went to the drs (injections in hand) although given them mum has not been trained to administer and I was in too much pain to focus and hold a steady hand. we got to the drs but I collapsed in the waiting area and had a seizure. I was taken to a room and I had several seizures within the 3 hour time span we were there. My own dr was there (not that I knew at the time) but she was happy she had seen what happens as had not ever seen seizure and cluster headache before. (great dr i have!!!).
I was given an injection but it didnt work so the dr gave me morphine. I was still having seizures but when the meds kicked in they slowed. i started regaining consciousness in between and i managed to sit up. we got home somehow.