Temporal Lobe
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Temporal Lobe Symptoms
The temporal lobes are responsible for many functions especially hearing, speech, memory and emotions. Symptoms of temporal lobe seizures can be:
- Feeling flushed, sweating or going very pale and having a churning feeling in the stomach.
- Intense déjà vu
- seeing things smaller or bigger than they actually are.
- Having vivid memory flashbacks.
- Seeing or hearing something that isn’t really happening.
- Feeling sick.
- Smelling, tasting things that are not really there.
- Feeling frightened, panicky, sad or unhappy.
- Being unable to recognise things which are familiar to you.
- Chewing, smacking lips, swallowing, scratching.
- Wandering off without awareness of where their going or what their doing.
Frontal Lobe Symptoms
The frontal lobes are responsible for functions including movement, emotions, memory, language and social and sexual behaviour. Common symptoms of a partial seizure in the frontal lobes are:
- Turning the head from side to side
- Arms and hands becoming stiff and drawn upwards
- The person making cycling movements with their legs
- Carrying out complicated body movements
- Having problems speaking or understanding
- Screaming, swearing or crying out.
- Loosing bladder control.
Parietal Lobe Symptoms
Seizures in these areas is quite uncommon.
The parietal lobes are responsible for sensations in the body so these seizures are also knows as sensory seizures.
Symptoms are normally a tingling down one side of the body or that side feeling warm.
Occipital Lobe Symptoms
Partial seizures in the occipital lobes are rare, however do occur.
The occipital lobe is responsible for vision and therefore seizures in this area effect the way you see for example:
- Not being able to see (temporary vision loss)
- seeing flashes
- seeing colours
- seeing balls of light